TL;DR Our prints have the highest ORIGINAL QUALITY!
When you browse our collection of printed merchandise—whether it’s t-shirts, hoodies, or mugs—one thing stands out: the quality of the designs. That’s no accident. At the AI Store, we put immense effort into creating high-resolution images that ensure your product looks stunning in person, not just on your screen. To protect that quality, we watermark our product images, and we’d like to explain why.
High-Resolution Images Are Essential for Quality Prints
The key to great-looking printed merchandise lies in the resolution of the original design file. For products like t-shirts and mugs, it’s critical that the images are crisp and detailed. This is why we use images that are at least 4000x4000 pixels in size. The larger and higher-resolution the image, the better the final print will be. This high resolution ensures that every detail comes through clearly, and the colors remain sharp and vibrant, even when printed on fabric or ceramic.
Protecting Our Designs from Image Theft
Unfortunately, some online stores steal product images from other websites. When they do this, they often take low-resolution files—images that are only 500x500 pixels—because they don’t have access to the original. To make these images work for their product listings, they must upscale them, meaning they enlarge the small images to fit their needs.

Here are examples of sites offering poor quality prints.
This is the original design we created.
Here’s the problem: when an image is upscaled from such a small size, it loses its sharpness and clarity. The result? Blurry, pixelated designs that don’t translate well onto products. So, while it might look fine on a webpage, the final print is often disappointing and lacks the high-quality finish you would expect.
Why We Use a Faint Watermark
We watermark our product images to protect both our designs and your experience. By preventing other stores from easily taking our images, we’re ensuring that you, our customer, don’t end up accidentally purchasing a product elsewhere that uses a poorly upscaled version of our design. These stores may offer a cheaper price, but you’ll receive a lower-quality product because they’re working with an image that is 16 times smaller in resolution than the original.
When you shop with us, you’re getting the original design at its best—whether it’s a mug or a hoodie. We want your purchase to arrive looking just as good as it does online. That’s why we protect our high-resolution images, so the designs remain exclusive to us, and your product’s quality isn’t compromised.
Supporting High-Quality Craftsmanship
At the end of the day, our faint watermark is more than just a protective measure—it’s a guarantee. It ensures that the unique, original design you’re drawn to on our website will be delivered in the same high-quality, beautiful print you expect. We’ve invested in high-resolution files to give you the best possible product, and our watermark helps protect that investment.
Thank you for supporting original craftsmanship and trusting us to deliver merchandise that looks as good in person as it does online.
The AI Store Team
P.S.: We always file copyright claims (with Google and other avenues) against these websites, but that is a slow process.
P.S. 2: We are of course flattered that they like our designs so much, but this is more about you getting the best quality prints.